Please keep the chatufim of the Simchas Torah massacre in your tefillos.
Shabbos Schedule
Parshas Beshalach
Friday Night
Candle lighting … 5:02 PM * Repeat Krias Shema after 6:10 PM
Friday Mincha/Kabbolas Shabbos … 5:05 PM
Chabura in Tefilla will not meet
Shabbos Day
Pirkei Machshava … 7:45 a.m. * Parshas HaShavua … 8:00 a.m.
Shacharis … 8:30 a.m.; followed by Kiddush and shiur in Mishna Berura
Mincha … 4:50 PM, followed by Shalosh Seudos with the Shiur, and Maariv
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Mrs. Rachel Rosenbach, l’zecher nishmas her father Yehoshua Shmuel ben David Zvi a”h, whose yahrzeit is 8 Shevat
Havdalla [50 Minutes] after 6:12 PM
Weekday Minyanim (this week)
Shacharis – Sun. - 8:00 a.m.
* Mon. & Thu. - 6:50 a.m. * Tue., Wed., Fri. - 7:00 a.m.
Mincha-Maariv - Sunday… 5:05 PM
Maariv - Monday through Thursday - 8:00 PM
Weekday Shiurim (this week):
Sunday - Rav’s Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos meets after Shacharis.
Monday - Rav’s Shiur in Gemara Kiddushin meets at 8:15 PM
Blatt Shiur - Gemara Zevachim - meets Sun. & Wed. only at 9:15 PM
Shabbos Schedule
Parshas Beshalach
Friday Night
Candle lighting … 5:02 PM * Repeat Krias Shema after 6:10 PM
Friday Mincha/Kabbolas Shabbos … 5:05 PM
Chabura in Tefilla will not meet
Shabbos Day
Pirkei Machshava … 7:45 a.m. * Parshas HaShavua … 8:00 a.m.
Shacharis … 8:30 a.m.; followed by Kiddush and shiur in Mishna Berura
Mincha … 4:50 PM, followed by Shalosh Seudos with the Shiur, and Maariv
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Mrs. Rachel Rosenbach, l’zecher nishmas her father Yehoshua Shmuel ben David Zvi a”h, whose yahrzeit is 8 Shevat
Havdalla [50 Minutes] after 6:12 PM
Weekday Minyanim (this week)
Shacharis – Sun. - 8:00 a.m.
* Mon. & Thu. - 6:50 a.m. * Tue., Wed., Fri. - 7:00 a.m.
Mincha-Maariv - Sunday… 5:05 PM
Maariv - Monday through Thursday - 8:00 PM
Weekday Shiurim (this week):
Sunday - Rav’s Shiur in Hilchos Shabbos meets after Shacharis.
Monday - Rav’s Shiur in Gemara Kiddushin meets at 8:15 PM
Blatt Shiur - Gemara Zevachim - meets Sun. & Wed. only at 9:15 PM
Here are links to recent Shiurim (archive below): [click on the buttons]
Here are links to recent Shiurim (archive below): [click on the buttons]
Michtav MeEliyahu Shiurim:
Hilchos Shabbos Shiurim:
Hilchos Shabbos Shiurim: